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It is important to note that our product is wine. We make and De-Alcoholize our wine prior to infusing it with cannabis. If you are a traditional alcohol wine lover, please expect some differences.

  • Cannabis wine is sweeter. This is due to the overwhelming effect that cannabis has on all areas of the taste buds. Cannabis has a very distinct earthy, bitter taste. To properly blend a tasty enjoyable beverage, a good Cannabis wine will offset this bitterness by adding natural fruit sweetness, terpenes, and tannins.

  • In lighter colored wines that contain higher cannabis milligrams, the cannabis will turn the wine slightly opaque. This is normal and is an excellent indicator that the wine contains a higher level of cannabis.

Drinking Wine
Glass of Red Wine
  • ​Extracted cannabis is an oil. It takes a lot of ingenuity to turn the cannabis into a water-based stable product (water soluble). This process will result in a powder form or liquid form. The cannabis inside the wine will remain suspended and stratified throughout the drink because of this process. Although the cannabis is dispersed thoroughly throughout the wine, sometimes a small amount of cannabis oil can appear near the top of the bottle. This is perfectly natural and another indicator that your wine has been properly dosed. Simply and gently, rotate the bottle top to bottom a few times, poor and drink.

  • Our Luxury Wines contain nano-technology cannabis, meaning we have up to 85% bioavailability. When consuming combustible or oil-based cannabis without nano-technology, the bioavailability of the consumed cannabis is about 15-25% (100mg consumed, only 15-25 mg makes it to the senses before your body expels the product). With nano-technologies bioavailability it means if you consume 100mg then you will feel the effects of up to 85mg.

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